The 4th Annual Dominican Film Festival
2015 Press Conference
The Game

THE GAME Press Conference, part of the 4th Annual Dominican Film Festival in New York City, featuring a great friend and Singer Juanma from GREMIO DC along with Arturo, Musician from the same band. They will be there sharing their most forceful songs including the ones from their most recent CD “Digitales”; also Joselyn Martinez delighting us with her own songs.
The great presence of the talented Spanish Actor Valentin Paredes, as well as Armando Guareno, Founder & Executive Director of the Dominican Film Festival in New York.
“Thank yous” went out to Michael Aquilino, Zoila Ceballos, Michael Carey, Fayzah Fire and the complete stellar cast from THE GAME, plus members of the brilliant crew.
This event was organized by Ray Hungria, Iorgo Papoutsas, Raul Gil, plus the fabulous collaboration of their PR/Media Coordinator Ambar Luna. The event was held at Abu Dhabi Restaurant.